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zakuro CD - rutsubo (hitoshi kojo, carole kojo, jani hirvonen, valérie magisson)

るつぼ(小城 仁志、キャロル コジョウ、ヤニ ヒロボネン、ヴァレリー マジソン)

  • タイトル:Rutsubo
  • アーティスト:Zakuro
  • 曲名 [時間]:1. Monsoon Mermaids / 人魚雨 [5:58]、
    2. Spectral Incubation / 虹の孵化 [11:04]、3. Torus Eaters / 円環虫 [6:17]、4. Infinite Loopholes / 底無しの抜け穴 [4:55]、5. Subterranean Plateaux / 地底高原 [8:07]、
    6. Golden Abyss / 黄金の淵 [6:21]
  • フォーマット:CD
  • カバー:外:布、手刷りシルクスクリーン、300グラム色厚紙、中:オフセット印刷、300グラム紙
  • 発行部数:初版150部(ナンバーカード入り)
  • 発行年月:2014年4月 | デジタルファイル版 2023年
  • レーベル:omnimemento
  • カタログナンバー:om 10






  • 録音:Hitoshi Kojo (小城 仁志)、Carole Kojo (キャロル コジョウ)、Jani Hirvonen (ヤニ ヒルボネン)、Valerie Magisson (ヴァレリー マジソン) / 2012年夏、シャントピ、フランス
  • 編集:小城 仁志 、2013年、ブリュッセル、ベルギー
  • 線描:Jani Hirvonen、リノカットデザイン:Carole Kojo、コラージュ・デザイン:小城 仁志

 「Zakuro」はそれぞれ出自の異なる4人のアーティスト「Rutsubo」が、フランスのブロセリアンドの森を彷徨い、 ロベルト・タタンの迷宮で瞑想に耽りつつ繰り広げた、真夏の響宴の記録です。
 フランス出身のヴァレリー・マジソンは、近年「Sunhiilow」名義で録音、映像作品をコンスタントにリリースしています。 丁寧に構築された音響と古代文明への憧憬を反映した映像作品によって、一貫して緻密な神話的作品を提示しています。しかし、本アルバムのトラック5と6で聴けるヴォーカリゼーションとパーカッションは、「Sunhiilow」の匿名性の美意識とは異なる、彼女のシャーマニックな一面を現しています。
 スイス出身のキャロル・コジョウと日本出身の小城 仁志は「Juppala Kaapio」として、2006年より音楽活動を初め、2010年より主に当レーベル「omnimemento」を通して録音作品を発表してきました。異質な要素の間にハーモニーを探り当てる彼らの感覚は、本アルバムでも遺憾なく発揮され、自然発生的な即興演奏に、幅広くかつ統一感のある印象と構築性を与えています。


Everything, that could ever happen, started just from slight, mild breath, becoming bigger and bigger. Then it had been continued to thrive to the universal sizes. Light-minded wind, that was hanging out among blooming and curling plants and trees, finally had hidden inside soft-toned pattern of haircap moss. Microscopic world, which never knew any rustle or something like this, was set in motion – moire veils were sparkling by all colors of the rainbow. Picturesque landscapes-sensations, drawn by imagination, were overflow one to another little by little, breathing very flutter. It looked like someone was turning pages of a book, that is twisted of subtle and supple lianas. Some crystal and argent music could even come in sight there, it was played by dewdrops – they were interflowing in and formed one big symphony-lake. Its sounds metamorphosed and turned into animate dragonflies, butterflies and moths; all of them flied away in different directions around the whole world, transferring on the wings and spreading everywhere this strange harmony of soughs, guggles and tiny murmurs.

Dense jungles of shamanic drone, that was represented here by a project, which named itself like Rutsubo, frizzle in very faddish and exceptional way. Telling the truth, four musicians, who were indicated in the opposite side of the CD, aren't some newcomers (in some sense) – it's just a joint magic music session of original and inventive Jüppala Kääpiö, dreamy Sunhillow and multidimensional Uton. It's some kind of hopeful and enchanting collaboration, indeed. But what do these short and terse notions in the title mean, «Rutsubo Zakuro»? We can only guess or vaguely imagine something about its mysterious content, even more in an intuitive way. Probably, it's an ancient japanese spell, which might be uttered by someone, and then, you'll suddenly find yourself in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors or in the parallel universe of microcosm, where all of the dwellers talk by strange interjections. You can only pronounce «Rutsu bo Zakuro........», and the actual reality is starting to melt like some resin or metal. All things are merging and concentrating just in one point, being rolling out again in a carved lacy fan – but proportions will be completely different and color spectrum will be changed too. A music teleport of this spellful album translocates listeners inside phantom and ephemeral hyperspace, where feelings can be mixed up. In that imaginable world you can easily pave an infinite number of ways and also investigate them.

Tweet, tweet, tweet... warbles of outlandish birds reach out of the woods. These are melodies, that fade away on inhalation and that sound on exhalation. It seems, that miniature creatures play the harmonica, and each one of them can be placed just in an every single hole of it. Delayed and slow-motion flowers dancing so leisurely in the light of Night queen. Their meditative buds turned into paletteful placers of luminescent orbs, that contemplate the sky and that watch the movements of planets and stars – they are flowing along smooth surface of the space. Bright and brisk clouds of muffle fragrances circulate everywhere, they relieve from the open cosmic extent, if it could be kind of ancient incense burner. These flavors are reaching the Earth, turning into gentle floral notes, which are soaking by green meadows, outer woods and aquamarine lagoons. All-embracing Sang starts to branching on patterns and fractals of firry limbs, it's taking shape and form of exotic plants – ramose spirals braid volumes of transforming wasteland.

Different kinds of rock stones mix up in a swelling hum – old-world letters and predictions are drawing by some nameless energy from distinct parts of the species. Squashy sounding flurry is falling by loud echoing silence on new-created vast. The only drum beats and pulses get going inside quagmire, that are becoming a dream, may be even a song. All action is disappearing with the wind. Everything starts again and again.

To My Ocean Without Motion

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