Exhibition title: Zen Konkret - Klangkunst aus Japan und Deutshland
Place: Wasserschloss, Quilow (Germany)
Date: 6 June - 23 August
Participants: Rolf Julius, Hitoshi Kojo, Anne Krickeberg, Rie Nakajima, Johannes S. Sistermanns, Miki Yui
Curator: Jörg Hascheider
Organizer: Nicola Von Amsberg
Sponsor: Stiftung Kulturerbe
Technical Support: Penko Stoitschev
Lost memory of the sea in "water castle"
A north wind from the Baltic Sea, endless murmurings of woods
A swarm of bees around a hidden honey stock, blinking crickets in bushes
Low drone of airplanes, cars, motorcycles
and conversations, laughter
Birds change the songs by the movement of the sun
The hollows are filled with the feedback of silence
The tower is continuously penetrated by the sonic vibrations
from openings on the top which are set toward four directions
The harmonized resonance are amplified in the coelom
then diffused through eight tuned tentacles swaying in the wind
Can the tide bring us the memory of the ancient sea
which are deeply embedded in the land and ourselves